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Make your own veggie patch

in the garden or on your balcony
Kitchen Garden, Info, Waldorf crafts, Sowing and planting, and Learn while playing
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What do you need?*
1 or 2 (used) planks
a handsaw
a drill machine
screws and a screwdriver
woven garden fabric
hammer & nails or stapler
fertilized garden soil
bags of seeds
plant name tags

Moestuin sidell

It's totally hot to have your own vegetable patch. Especially for kids it's educational and fun. You can make it in your garden or on your balcony, both an option. If you take good care off your plants you are in for a treat later!

With a little help from Mum or Dad it's not difficult to build your own veggie patch. You find a sunny spot with a bit of room and join some - old - planks together that fit the space. Are garden fabric and soil in place you go to the garden centre and buy some seeds you like!

* Snazzie doesn't give measurements, just the materials we used. How big your veggie patch will be depends on how much room you have available.

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Saw the plank(s) in 1 long and two shorter pieces.

Drill holes then join the planks together.

Cut the garden fabric to fit and staple it inside the through.

Fill the through with the fertilized garden soil and spread & loosen it.

In our next blogs we will tell you exactly how to sow, plant, care for and harvest your fruit and vegetables. We'll give tips&trucs from our experience so you can exlook forward to a lovely harvest.

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We fill flower pots with soil to grow herbs and strawberries.

Scrape away some soil and sow the first seeds.

Now you have to be patient and suddenly you see the first shoots appear!

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The soil needs to be moist so shower you plants now and then.

The dandilion sald grows quick, it's delicious! Unfortunately snails agree.

The radish grows to close together but we have tips & tricks.

In the sunshine with a little rain now and then the plants grow fast!

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If your plants are fully grown you can reap the veg.

Jona helps out but he's not sure he likes to get his hands dirty.

He digs around the carrot with a little scoop.

We sow carrots, spring onions, radish, dandilion lettuce, chive, basil, thyme, flat parsley and mint. So later on we can brew a lovely pot of mint tea with toast and delicious strawberries to go with it. Or we make an awesome salad with all our home grown organical vegetables. More fresh, healthy and delicious than home grown is impossible to find!

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Then you pull the carrot out of the soil easily.

The bastket

Hannie is helping, she loves carrots too.

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You must wash your own veg thoroughly but it's worth the extra work. Fresh from the garden vegetables taste the best.

The strawberries thrive in a flowerpot and they taste really sweet. But do mind! Birds agree.

Last year was a test year for snazzie on how to grow fruit & veg so this spring we can advise you from our own experience. Thankfully everything we sowed grew very well last year and tasted delicious. Next year we want to try and grow beetroot and pumpkins, very exciting! We'll keep you posted!

Next time: How to sow carrots!