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Maria Lichtmis

we celebrate the return of the light
Waldorf crafts, Natural materials, Winter, and Recycling
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What do you need?
a pan witj a layer water
a fireproof jug
beeswax granules
a nutcracker and a knife
a piece of clay or egg cartons
candle wicks
a bowl with water

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Tomorrow Candlemas is celebrated at every Waldorf school ()Vrije School) in the Netherlands. To celebrate the return of the light to earth not is not only celebrated in school but also at home. We crack walnuts and empty the halved shells, Then we turn them into pretty little floating candles using bees wax .granules. At dusk we light them and look how beautiful the floating candles shine!

How make to make little candles for Candlemas

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Melt the beeswax pellets au bain marie.

This takes it's time!

The granules melt very slowly.

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Crack the walnuts open.

Place the shells in a carton.

Place the wicks in the shells.

The bees was granules are melted.

If you use an egg carton or a piece of clay to press the nut shells in, they will stand upright, making the hot wax pouring easier

This year we tried the cartons but we prefer the clay :) Pour very carefully and keep children at a distance!

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An adult must pour the hot beeswax!

Wait for the beeswax to harden.

Take the nut boats out of the cartons.

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Fill a bowl with water and put in the floating candles.

Place the bowl on the seasonal table or in another nice spot.

We eat Dutch pancakes and the little monsters sing for us, have a wonderful Candlemas!