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Moroccan stew

with lamb and dates
Main Courses, With fresh fruit, Moroccan, Eid-al-Fitr, and Stew
Moroccan stew sidepic

Shopping list
750g lamb, cubes
600ml stock, preferably lamb
30 ml olive oil
18 small shallots
2 garlic cloves, crushed
1 tablespoon flour
1 tablespoon tomato puree
2 tablespoons fresh flat parsley

1 tablespoon clear honey
zest of half a lemon
1 cinnamon stick
a sliver of  saffron
2 teaspoons ground ginger
2  teaspoons ground coriander
110g dates without stones
3 colours bell peppers

This delicious Moroccan stew of lamb with dates is easy to make, but it do takes time. That's why we start bright and early because July 5 is the start of Eid al Fitr and it's definitely more than worth it! On day 1, you marinate the lamb (or beef), on day 2 you stew it. You can just as well use a tajine instead of a frying pan, if you have one. The orange pepper are from our own garden ;)

How to make this Moroccan stew

Day 1

Moroccan stew 01
Moroccan stew 02
Moroccan stew 03

Cut the meat into approximately even squares and put it in a large bowl.

Place the lamb in a bowl with 1 tablespoon olive oil, ginger, coriander and saffron.

Rub the spices into the lamb, cover it and allow the meat to marinate overnight in the fridge.

Day 2
Heat the remaining olive oil, sear the lamb quickly all around and then fry until it is brown. Remove the lamb from the pan and set aside.

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Moroccan stew 05
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In the same pan fry the shallots and fry the garlic for a minute.

Stir in flour, tomato puree and stock and add the cinnamon stick.

Put the lamb back in the pan, bring it to the boil and place the lid on.

Wash, cut and roast the peppers, with or without the seeds.

Allow the lamb to simmer for about 90 minutes, or until it is cooked

Moroccan stew 07
Moroccan stew home

Add zest, honey and dates, stir until combined and sprinkle on parsley.

Serve the Moroccan stew with couscous and roasted peppers on the side.

Eid Mubarak!