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More Fruit Tartletts

there is so much summer fruit!
Basic recipe, Summer, and Pastry
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Pâtee sucrée tartlet cases
3 free range organic egg yolks
65g caster sugar
250ml milk
20g plain flour
summer fruit of your choice

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This filling for the French tartlet cases is also French, we make a crème patissiere. To make the tart cases for this recipe you need 2 other recipes, one to make the dough and one to bake the cases .Easy, quick and very tasty! With all the summer fruit that is now available, you also can make something very beautiful.

How to make crème patissiere

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Separate the eggs.

Beat the yolks with the sugar

Beat until they are pale yellow and airy.

Add the flour.

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Beat all until combined well.

Pour milk and vanilla in a saucepan.

Bring the milk to the boil.

Add the egg mixture to the hot milk and continue to stir slowly for ± 2 minutes until it thickens.
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Pour the crème into a soup plate.

Allow it to cool.

Fill the cases with crème pattisiere.

Place various types of fruit on top.

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This were the last Medieval Fruit tarts for this week, mini-chocolate tartlets will follow later!