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Melon fizz

cool summer mocktail for kids
Summer, British, Mocktails, and With fresh fruit
Melon fizz side

Shopping list
500g melon, peeled and deseeded
1 lime, juice and zest
100ml clouded apple juice
100 ml soda water
crushed ice

cute straws: HEMA

Melon fizz sidell

These cool - alcohol free - summer mocktails are not just for mini-monsters, little and largel love the Melon Fizz! Quickly made, cool and fresh, what more could you want in summer?

How to make Melon Fizz

Melon fizz 01
Melon fizz 02
Melon fizz 03

Peel the melon(s) and remove the seeds.

Cut out some balls and chop the rest.

Grate the skin and juice the lime.

Melon fizz 04
Melon fizz 05
Melon fizz 06

Place melon chunks and lime in the blender.

Blend until it is liquid.

Add apple juice and soda, blend smooth.

Melon fizz 07
Melon fizz home

Fill the glasses generously with crushed ice.

Pour melon fizz over it and stick melon balls on a skewer.

Place the skewers on the glasses, stick in cute straws. Cheers!