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Meskouta cake

from Morocco
Pastry, Desserts, With fresh fruit, and Moroccan
Meskouta cake sidepic

Shopping list
4 large organic eggs
300g caster sugar
120 ml vegetable oil
250g plain flour
4 teaspoons baking powder
½ teaspoon salt
120 ml fresh orange juice
zest of 1 - 2 oranges
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
icing sugar, to sprinkle

Meskouta cake sidepicll

The Moroccan Meskouta cake is very light, airy and very tasty. This cake is made with orange or lemon, but also with both. Both the juice and zest of the citrus fruit are incorporated into the cake, making it fresh and fragrant. We made half the recipe, so unfortunately the cake was not baked in its beautiful, original mould. Luckily it tastes just as good!

How to make a Meskouta cake

Preheat the oven to 180°C

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Put the eggs and sugar into a big bowl.

Whisk until the mixture is thick and airy.

Then beat in the vegetable oil.

Put flour, salt and baking powder in a bowl.

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Stir it until combined.

Add the flour to the egg mixture.

Mix it into a smooth batter.

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Grate the orange, keep the zest.

Squeeze the orange.

Add the juice to the batter.

Whisk it until combined.

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Add the zest and the vanilla to the batter.

Grease the mould, dust lightly with flour.

Fill the mould with the batter.

Bake the cake 40 minutes or until cooked.

Test by inserting a skewer in the cake if it is cooked through
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Let the cake cool for 7-10 minutes in the baking mould.

Tap the cake out of the mould and let cool completely, on a wire rack.

Sprinkle the Meskouta cake lightly with icing sugar and serve it immediately