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With a great book

we go outside
Info, Waldorf crafts, Summer, and Vacation and Weekend Trips
Wild flowers sidepic
Wild flowers sidepicll
Duck family sidepicll

The weather is lovely and (almost) everything is open again, but we prefer to be outside in our neighbourhood today. Together with the mini monsters we go exploring. With bottles of water for the road and a great book in our hand. Are we going to find 25 flowers today, could we make it?

Wild flowers 01
Wild flowers 02
Wild flowers 03
Wild flowers 04

First we come across all kinds of grass plumes(?), also pretty, but they are not in our book! Fortunately, a little further on we also see flowers and yes, they are beautiful red Poppies so number 1 has been found! A moment later more plumes and then yellow flowers. It is Rapeseed, this goes well, number 2 we found too. Behind the Wild Marguerite, number 3, we see tiny purple flowers. They are called Common Vetch and that is number 4

Wild flowers 05
Wild flowers 06
Wild flowers 07

We walk happily in the sunshine and we don't search in order, but we look up every flower in the book and then we keep track of the number. The next beautiful lilac flowers are in our book and they are called Bird Vetch (Vicia Cracca) it takes our count to 5. Then we see  Whistler and the Thistles are, so 6 and 7 have also been spotted! We are well on our way already!

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Wild flowers 09
Wild flowers 10
Wild flowers 11

Along the side of the ditch we get lucky, besides beautiful willows and many types of grass, there also grow many beautiful flowers. We see lots of Wild Marguerites, which sadly does not count anymore. But the Daisies, Red Clover, Buttercups and Marsh Marigolds (Kingcup, yellow, on the front right)) are all four spot on! The score has suddenly become 11.

Wild flowers 12
Wild flowers 13
Wild flowers 14

When we walk further, we first see a lot more grasses and much more Rapeseed, then a lot of Red Clover and Buttercups, we already have counted those. But what are those yellow flowers that are in between, they look like Dead Nettles but they are yellow? That's right, it exists, the Yellow Dead Nettle is in our book! 12! A little bit on we see the Yellow Flag (or Yellow Iris) and that is 13.

Wild flowers 15
Wild flowers 16
Wild flowers 17
Wild flowers 18

Wild blackberries with white flowers is number 14! Even more Yellow Flag, they don't count anymore. But the lonely Dandelion does, that's number 15! We pick the pretty pink Day Cuckoo Flower, which is number 16, there are so many, we put those in a vase at home.

Our Wild Flower Walk is over for today, everyone is tired. We found 16 wild flowers from the 25 in our book and we think that's a pretty good score. We even saw a Duck Mum with het Duckling on the way, so cute! Back at home we put our beautiful flowers in a vase and then we have some delicious ice cream, we have earned it!