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A picnic loaf

goes a long way ...
British, Sandwich, With fresh vegetables, Picnic Dishes, and Sauces
Picnic loaf sidepic

Shopping list
1 loaf of bread, unsliced
6 - 8 tomatoes
1 cucumber
5 - 6 carrots
2 - 3 celery sticks
a bunch of radish
4 free range organic, hard boiled eggs
a jar of homemade mayonnaise

Picnic loaf sidepicll

Fun, tasty and healthy is this picnic loaf by Valentine Warner and just in time, with this beautiful weather. Lots of fresh snack vegetables and a nice loaf with homemade mayonnaise. Homemade tastes best, in our opinion, but maybe you prefer store bought, you choose! We give you the recipe anyway.

How to make the picnic loaf
but first the mayonnaise

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Put egg yolks, mustard, sugar, lemon in the blender.

Blend together until combined.

Gradually trickle in the oil while blending.

Pour the mayonnaise in a clean jar, let it set in the fridge.

Meanwhile make the filling for the loaf, start by boiling the eggs for 8 minutes

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Scrub the vegetables very clean.

Brush the carrots really well.

Cut the veg into batons.

  • Slice off the top of the loaf, put the top aside for now and hollow the loaf
  • To do this you make an incision 2.5 cm around the edges, try to carefully scoop the bread out by hand.
  • If you can keep it in more or less in one piece you can maybe (later) use it for toast or sandwiches.
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Picnic loaf home

Place the top back on the filled bread, wrap it in cling film and take it easily with you in the cooling bag.

Arrange the vegetables, hard boiled eggs and mayonnaise neatly in the loaf, and your ready!

Let's hope for a sunny day, have lots of fun!