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The radishes are shooting up

we are doing a comparative radish study
Kitchen Garden, Waldorf crafts, Sowing and planting, Outdoor Play, and informative and educational
Radijs side

What seed to buy?

Organic seeds from Dille en Kamille € 1.99*

HEMA (non-organic) seeds € 1.95

Buzzy (non-organic) seeds € 1.95

*If you use organic seeds you should use organic garden soil too, otherwise there's still artificial fertilizer involved.

Radijs sidell

Today Jona sows radish in our veggie patch. We choose the non-eco Buzzy seeds we have left from last year, we still have half a packet and they are the oldest. Next year we try out Dille&Kamille Eco seeds vs HEMA non-eco seeds. Can't wait!!

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Press a slat or broomstick in hte soil to get straight lines.

Shake the seeds on your palm and scatter it spacious.

Try to keep some distance between the seeds to make transplanting easy.

Cover the seeds with a thin layer of garden soil.

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Make the garden soil moist with a watering can and keep it up regularly.

If you water the soil regular you see the first seeds germinate after +/- 14 days.

Each week the seedlings get bigger with only some sunshine and water.

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If the plants 2-3 grotere bladjes hebben graaf je ze op.

Scoop carefully a bunch of plants at a time from the earth.

Shake the little plants gently loose from each other.

Prick a few cm apart holes in the earth with your index finger.

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Put in a little plant, fill up the hole and press the earth down.

Water the radishes on a regular basis, especially if it's sunny weather.

Now we have to wait about six weeks until it's harvest time, so be patient!

To be continued!