Tell me a Dragon
Author/Illustrator: Jackie Morris
Original language: English
Published: June 2018
Publisher: Francis Lincoln Publishers Ltd
ISBN13: 9781912654277
Price: € 24.00 (HC)
Age: from 4 years and up
Tell me a Dragon is a magnificant picture book made by Welsh writer / illustrator Jackie Morris, who also did the artwork. In the book children tell us what their dragon looks like and therefore they are all different and unique. At the end Jackie Morris asks: Now ... Tell me your Dragon. Those of the mini-monsters are also unique and very impressive!
Because dragons are very beloved animals with the little monsters, the book often comes from the shelf, sometimes just to look at the beautiful prints. What a wonderful book this is, for young and old alike!
3 very old, still impressively shining stars for Tell me a Dragon, of all the monsters here, mini and maxi!