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Minecraft l

what do we make this time? a Creeper
Painting and Woodworking
Minecraft creeper sidel

What do you need?
wooden slat 55x10mm, the body
wooden slat 25x25mm, the head
wooden slat 35x15mm, the feet
pencil & ruler
small saw and miter
sand paper
Bison contact glue

Minecraft creeper side ll

Now Jona has Minecraft Zombie en Chicken on display in his room he still misses a Creeper. So here we go again, we cozily saw, glue and paint together and we have so much fun crafting! The Creeper turns out great!

How to make a creeper

Minecraft creeper 01
Minecraft creeper 02
Minecraft creeper 03
Minecraft creeper 04

We start with it's body. Jona saws a 13cm piece of 10x55mm.

He placed the sawed off piece on the slat and marks it.

In the same way he saws off a second and third piece.

Neatly sawing off three equal pieces by hand is hard to do.

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Jona does it really well.

Now he measures the feet on the body.

He saws one 5cm foot of 25x25mm.

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Place the first foot on the slat, mark it and saw foot 2.

Jona sawed 3 parts body and two feet, now firstly he glues.

Sand the sawed off edges smooth before you glue.

Strike glue on part 1 and 2, let dry for 5 minutes.

To saw neatly is demanding on a child, it is hard work which you are not used to do. Crafting stays fun if you make it varied, first saw a bit, then sand, glue then back to sawing again.

Glue tips!

  • Because we use strong Bison contact glue it is important that the surfaces we want to join together are both glued, so the glue makes contact.
  • This glue works best if when applied you allow it to dry for 5 minutes then press it firmly together.
  • Next you let it dry completely overnight, preferably with glue clamps on or under a stack of heavy books.
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Spread glue on part 2 and 3, let dry 5 min.

Press together and attach glue clamps.

Now we saw the head in 4 parts.

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Four 6cm parts of 25x25mm, we glue the parts into a cube.

We leave body, head and feet unattached, makes painting easier.

Now first the glue has to dry thoroughly but next week Jona comes back, then we are going to paint the Creeper!