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Mini apple tartlets

it's October!
With apples, Waldorf crafts, Autumn, Pastry, and With whipped Cream
Mini apple tartlets sidepic

Shopping list for 6 mini tartlets
1 roll of puff pastry
3 small or 2 large apples
6 teaspoons butter

The sugar mixture
60g dem
erara sugar
1½ tablespoons
plain flour
¾ teaspoon of cinnamon
pinch of salt

optional whipped cream


Mini apple tartlets home

October is the apple month, so we are going to make mini apple tartlets, with whipped cream! They are made in no time with ready-made puff pastry and they are also really liked by the mini monsters. We will have a lovely tea today!

How to make the mini apple tartlets

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Cut circles from the puff pastry.

Grease a muffin tin.

Place the circles in the holes.

Prick holes in the bottom.

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Place the tin 15 minutes in the freezer.

Core the apples.

Peel the apples then halve them.

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Cut the halves in slices.

Put the apples in the pastry cases.

Stir the sugar mixture.

Sprinkle it thickly on the tartlets.

Preheat the oven to 200°C and place a teaspoon of butter on each tartlet

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Bake the tartlets in ± 20 minutes golden.

Allow them to cool in the tin.

Then on a wire rack.

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We serve the tartlets with or without whipped cream, just as you like it ;)