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Chocolate Brownies

you make them like this
With chocolate, British, and Pastry
Chocolade brownies sidepic

Shopping list
180 g Tony's Chocolonely dark
200 g butter
250 g icing sugar
3 free range eggs
110 g plain flour
25 g chocolate buttons
butter and flour, for the mould

Chocolade brownies sidepicll

Today we bake mini chocolate brownies with which we can make a delicious trifle with strawberries tomorrow. Probably the last really delicious strawberries of the season. We make so much that we can use half the cake for the trifle and the other half of the brownies we eat with a cup of tea. Yummy!

How to make chocolate brownies

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Break thew chocolate in pieces then melt it au bain marie.

Place butter and sugar in the mixing bowl and mix slowly.

Set the mixer higher when the sugar disappears in the butter.

Beat the eggs one by one into the batter.

Preheat the oven to 190°C

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Whisk the flour in 3 portions into the batter.

Meanwhile the chocolate has melted.

Add it to the batter.

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Then gently fold in the melted chocolate.

Fold in the chocolate buttons too.

Dust the tin with flour, tap out the excess.

Spread the batter over the baking tin.

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Chocolade brownies home

Bake the brownies in the middle of the oven for +/- 12 minutes.

Allow the brownies to cool completely in the baking tin.

Dust the brownies with icing sugar (kids) or cocoa.

Cut half the brownie into 6 pieces, we eat them with a cup of tea. Cut the other half into cubes and store them in a biscuit tin until tomorrow. Then we make a lovely summery trifle with them.