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Raspberry Cream Bites

A Mother's Day recipe
British, Pastry, With whipped Cream, With fresh fruit, and Mother's Day
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1 roll puff pastry
1 free range organic egg, lightly beaten
250 ml double cream
2 tablespoons fine sugar
50g raspberries + 10 extra

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Easy, quickly made and delicious, are these raspberry cream bites. So just perfect for Mother's Day ;)
How to make 10 Raspberry cream bites
Preheat the oven to 200°C then place a sheet of waxed paper on the baking tray.
Tip! You can cut out more practical by cutting closer together alternately then you can cut out more bites, but for us 10 is fine.
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Roll out the dough and cut out 20 circles for 10 bites.

Prick holes in 10 circles using a fork, so they puff less.

Brush with egg then bake the circles in 15 mins. golden.

Allow the puff pastries to cool completely on a wire rack, meanwhile make the filling.

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Gently wash the raspberries.

Dry them on kitchen paper.

Place the raspberries in the blender.

Blitz them into puree.

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Rub the rasperry puree through a sieve.

Pour the cream and the sugar in the mixer.

Beat the cream until stiff peaks form.

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Fold the puree into the cream.

Fold lightly until combined.

The puff pastries have cooled.

Spoon raspberry cream on 10 pastries.

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Stick the 10 puffed up pastries on top.

Stick the extra raspberries on with some cream.

Serve the raspberry bites Sunday with tea or coffee for your Mum and have a cozy chat together!