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Mini Christmas cookies

for the mini-monsters
Dutch, Waldorf recipes, Christmas, Biscuits, and Celebrations around the World
Mini kerstkoekjes sidepic

Shopping List
125 gram flour
75 g butter (room temperature)
75g caster sugar
½ free range egg (room temperature)
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
¼ teaspoon baking powder
icing sugar, to dust
various colors fondant icing
red smarties

mini holly cookie cutter >>
mini christmas lights cookie cutter >>

Mini kerstkoekjes sidepicll

Today we bake a lot of Christmas cookies, for Christmas breakfast at school. We make mini holly leaves and Christmas lights, tehy are very cute and every child will love them! The mini monsters can help a lot, they cut the holly and Christmas lights out of fondant icing. The recipe is for 50 cookies, if you double it you have Christmas cookies at home too.

How to make the Christmas cookies

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Mix butter and sugar creamy.

Beat half an egg.

Add the egg to the butter mixture.

Mix it in.

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Also mix in the vanilla extract.

Weigh and measure flour, salt and bakingpowder.

Stir it until combined.

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Sift it into the butter mixture.

Knead it into a supple dough.

Wrap the dough in cling film.

Place the dough in the fridge.

Let the dough rest in the refrigerator for at least 1 hour

Preheat the oven to 170°C and line the baking tray with waxed paper

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Roll the dough to 1cm thinckness.

Cut out holly leaves.

Place the holly on the baking tray.

Bake the mini biscuits 10 minutes.

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Cut out the Christmas lights.

Put the baking tray in the fridge.

Let the holly cool on the tray.

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Transfer the holly to the wire rack.

Bake the lights 10 minutes.

Let them cool on the tray.

Then on the wire rack.

While the biscuits cool completely you cut out the fondant icing

Dust the baking mat with icing sugar and fill a bowl with a layer of water

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Roll green icing thinly.

Cut out the holly.

Stick the holly on the biscuits.

Stick the smarties on the holly.

Roll various colours of fondant thinly

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Stick out Christmas lights.

Cut the lamp sockets from grey.

Stick lights and sockets on the biscuits.

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Press, using a cocktail stick, 3 stripes in each socket.

Now we are going to have tea.

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We taste the biscuits first.

The biscuits taste excellent!

They can come with us to school.

Happy christmas Break!