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Mini- sugar animals

belong at a Sinterklaas party
Dutch, Sinterklaas, Candy, and Treat
Mini suikerbeest sidepic
Shopping list
100g caster sugar
50g icing sugar
piece of fondant
3 tablespoons water
a food colour & flavour essence

The beautiful Old Dutch sugar animals that Patisserie Holtkamp makes this time of year you can not make at home. The antique wooden molds are not for sale anymore. You can find them in museums and patisseries.

But with a fun silicone mold you can make sugar miniatures that have the old familiar taste. Then the kids can still have a taste and they are defenitely less harmfull to children's teeth;)


How to make mini-suikerbeestjes

Mini suikerbeest 01
Mini suikerbeest 02
Mini suikerbeest 03
Mini suikerbeest 04

Weigh all sugars.

Place sugars in a pan, add water.

Heat the sugar to exactly 115 C.

Remove the pan from the stove.

Mini suikerbeest 05
Mini suikerbeest 06
Mini suikerbeest 07

Stir in colour and flavour.

Pour the sugar syrup into the silicon molds.

Allow the sugar animals to set.

Please mind! If you pour to just below the rim you need not trim the hard sugar later on.

Mini suikerbeest 08
Mini suikerbeest home

Press the sugar shapes from the molds.

Happy Sinterklaas!