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Our kitchen garden

is moving
Kitchen Garden, Spring, Waldorf crafts, Sowing and planting, and Learn while playing
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What do you need?
wooden planks
soil (easy kitchengarden mix)
bags of seeds of your choice
screw driver

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The kids like to sow or plant fruit and vegetables (and eat it) so we write about our kitchen garden with some regularity. In March / April we sowed the tomatoes indoors, cherry and lampion tomatoes this time and Puk got a sunflower garden at Albert Heijn. So we sowed that too. Now that the Ice Saints are over, the plants can be transferred to the kitchen garden.

We saw a movie on youtube about the Easy Vegetable Garden (Makkelijke Moestuin) with special mixed soil to sow and plant in. We thought it would be fun to see if it really works that well. We had to drive to Rhoon, because Intratuin there was the nearest pickup point. But no problem, they had plenty in stock. So we will do some competative research this year!

Now all the soil had to be scooped out anyway and because our vegetable garden became shaded by fast-growing plants, we decided to move the vegetable garden to a sunny spot at the same time. Puk chose some pretty blooming plants, those can go outside at the same time!

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The old garden was build against the wall of our house.

First we have to empty the box completely

We unscrew the wooden box and rmove the wood.

The new kitchen garden box is emptied as well and then filled with the new planting soil mixture

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We're lucky that Puk helps, which saves us a lot of work!

We make a new division and then we sow various vegetables..

First we move the cucumber, which is Puk's favorite.

Then we move our homegrown tomato plants outside.

It still looks a little bit bare in the new vegetable garden box, but that will change soon, there is a lot of room to grow!
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Are we done now? What do you think, firrst water the plants!

And look, the first new residents are here too!

We are going to have a lot of fun in our vegetable garden this summer!