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Make a little monster

with snazzie
Wool Felt, Sewing, and Stuffed Toy
Monster sidepic

What do you need?
various colours felt
matching yarn
needle and pins

embroidery yarn & needle

Monster sidepicll

Today we sew a little monster of felt, we sew it happily by hand. Easy peasy!

How to sew a monster

Monster 01
Monster 02
Monster 03
Monster 04

Download the pattern, cut out every part.

Pin the parts on the pattern on the fabric, cut it out.

Remove the pattern and pin the loose parts together.

You can already see How your finished monster will look.

Now we first stitch the little parts together. Sew parts of the same colour first, otherwise you have to change yarn colours all the time.

Monster 05
Monster 06
Monster 07

Stitch arms and legs, leave 1 side open.

Stitch the horns together in the same way.

Fill the horns with fiberfill.

Monster 08
Monster 09
Monster 10
Monster 11

Fill arms and legs too.

Pin all onto the body.

Pin the body parts together.

Fold arms, legs, horns in.

Stitch with a firm stitch using a double thread the body closed all around except for the underside. This way the horns and arms will be attached and closed too at the same time. The legs will still be loose.

Monster 12
Monster 13
Monster 14

Fill the monster's body with fiberfill.

Use a chopstick to fill the corners.

Pin the underside ½cm to the inside.

Remove the legs, fold the open undersides neatly in. Pin the legs on again, on the upper or underside body makes no difference. Now pin the fill opening closed and sew it closed with neat little stiches, attaching the legs at the same time.

Monster 16
Monster home

Cut a cute monster face after your own idea.

At ours Monster is sitting cozily on the bookshelf.

That is ... until a tiny-mini-monster passes by!