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A beautiful red fan

made by you!
Paper & Cardboard, Cutting & Pasting, Drawing & Colouring, and Lunar New Year
Rode waaier sidepic

Wat do you need?
4 folding sheets, red or pink
a marker, gold coloured
hobby glue or a glue stick
glitter and glitter glue, gold
embroidery yarn, golden or pink

Rode waaier homepage

For Chinese New Year we will be folding and pasting a pretty Chinese fan with the little ones. We still have a pack of origami paper in red so we use that. Ordinary 15x15cm folding sheets are more convenient for the pimples, they do not tear quickly! ;)) Red and pink are both lucky colours. You can download the Chinese New Year wishes written in characters.

How to make a Chinese fan

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Fold red paper harmonica-wise.

Fold all sheets in the same way.

Draw on the fan, using the marker and glitter glue, let it dry.

Stick the folded sheets together, let the glue dry.

Cut a very long thread, about 1 meter long. We will make tassels out of it, so put the fan in the middle of the thread.

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Wrap both sides of the thread around the bottom of the fan and tie it together.

Wrap the adherent thread around your fingers in a circle.

Wrap the roll on the topside, tie off firmly then cut the bottom open.

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Cut the tassles on the underside neatly straight.

This pretty red fan will surely bring lots of good luck!

Xin Nian Kuai Le! - Happy New Year!