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Not everyone has a garden

but how cute can your organic balcony be?
Kitchen Garden, Info, Sowing and planting, and Summer

You can garden even if you don't have a garden., on snazzie we like to show you what a pleasure a 2x2m balcony can bring you. This gardener keeps it all organic, from the potting soil to the plants. Wild plants and flowers are also very beautiful, as we'll show you today as well! 

Are you also looking for organic plants for your balcony, garden or home? Look no further, we have already found them for you. At Sprinklr you will definitely find what you are looking for! They have simple and very special wildflower plants that will look great on your balcony. You can choose everything yourself, but you can also order a package, as we did. There are garden plants but also houseplants to choose from, everything organically grown and delivered to your door.

Viooltjes sidepic

Exactly where do we buy these organic plants?

Online at:

Sprinklr B.V.
Korte Papaverweg 15
1032 KA Amsterdam



Sprinklr sidepic

A card with yearling Indian Cress or Nasturtium (Tropaeolum majus) seeds is a nice gift that was included in our order. We sowed them in a large container. The bright orange, yellow and pink'ish red flowers will go well with all the other colours on our balcony. We lovethe bright coloured Indian Cress!

When your plants are delivered, of course you unpack them immediately. It's great that a good manual, short and concise, is included for newcomers to the plant world. That way you know for sure that you immediately put your plants in the right place and how much water they need to flourish. Four more advice you can always check out the Sprinklr website. The plants grow quickly and soon have a lot of buds, really nice to check how they are getting on every day!

On the back of Sprinklr's plant care tips you find information about the importance of organic gardening. For the health of the planet as well as your own. With information about where your just bought plants come from and how they are grown. Informative and fun to read.

01. balkon
02. info
03. balkonll

Our wild flower seed mix is already rising cheerfully in the balcony box in the background, which is also great for bees and butterflies. All the plants are in the sunshine so they are very happy here. Water the pot plants enough, but not too much! In long lasting warm weather the potting soil dries out quickly, but only keep the soil moist. No saucers full of water, unless there is a heat wave!

04. lieveheersbeestje
05. chocolade cosmos
06. duizendschoon   viooltjes
07. viooltjes

And look what a lovely balcony garden after a few days! These extraordinary plants bring vibrant colours and flourish to your balcony. Plus, ladybugs, bees, bumblebees and butterflies are so grateful to you. They come to visit all day long! (Look in the Chocolate Cosmos flower!)

The Chocolate Cosmos (Cosmos atrosanguineus 'chocolate'), chocolate and vanilla tasting, is said to be rare, almost extinct. But in Mexico it grows in abundance in the wild. Suddenly hip the plants are sold out almost everywhere here, so you have to search a little if you want one too ;)

The Sweet William (Dianthus barbatus) tastes spicy and garlic-like and the Viola (Viola cornuta) mildly sweet and cinnamony. Both are well-known border plants in Holland, in various beautiful colours, plants that we love a lot!

08. duifkruid
09. duifkruidll
10. duifkruidlll
The Small Scabious or Dwarf Pincushion flower (Scabiosa columbaria) grows in abundance in the wild between the grass in our neighbourhood. We pick the flowers often when outside, we love the soft lilac colour and the elegant leaves. We are happy to say it now also grows on our balcony. In the pictures above you can see it in three stages: on arrival; a day later a little weak after the journey and the next day firmly up on it's own and radiant. It grows really fast!
11. daglelie
12. dagleliell
13. dropplant %28anijsnetel%29
14. dropplant %28anijsnetel%29ll

There are a great variety of edible flowers for sale at Sprinklr, such as the radiant yellow Daylily (Hemerocallis 'Stella D'oro'). If you want to eat organic flowers you can do so safely because there is no spraying with pesticides involved. According to the packaging, the Daylily tastes like radish, but a little less strongly. Ours is already full of buds, that's promising!

The flowers of the Licorice plant (Agastache Mexicana 'Lime') are beautiful, smell wonderful and also attracts bees and butterflies. Exactly what we want and the plant is also edible. The leaves taste like aniseed and you can use them in your tea or in salads. The buds are starting to come out already, not long before they bloom now.

15. komkommer kruid 01
16. komkommer kruidll
17. lavendel dahlias

We also wanted Borage or (Borago Officinalis), another edible plant, but quite frankly, that wasn't the reason for us, even though you can use the plant in salads with the flowers as edible garnish.

We chose this plant because we love the cute little blue star flowers and in real life they turn out to be even more beautiful! The plant came in a bit limp. But after we let him soak its roots in a water bath, we immediately planted it in it's new pot. The other day it felt a lot better and with a stick for support it now blooms beautifully upright.

The Butterfly lavender (Lavandula stoechas) and the cheerful Dahlia's (of the family of Asteraceae) are really happy in the full sunshine.

18. muskuskaasjes kruid
19. muskuskaasjes kruidll
20. onbekend
21. goudsbloem

You can often find and pick the Mallow (Malvaceae) in the wild on roadsides. It has a sweet pink colour and very fine leaves, here you see it in two fases: just after arrival and a week later, then it already is getting bushy and the flowers bloom quickly. Mallow also looks very beautiful on your balcony and as you can see, it grows super fast.

This show stopper blooms every year in beautiful blue. A strong plant which even when it snows does not shed a leaf. Every year it surprises us again with an abundance of stunning flowers. The plant looks a little like an Iris or a Lis maybe and we see it everywhere in street garden in the neighbourhood but what is it's name? We would really like to know!

This beautiful trio consists of the Chocolate Cosmos, which tastes like chocolate vanilla, Honey-melon Sage (Salvia elegans 'Mello') which tastes like honeydew melon (duh) and Marigold (Calendula Officinalis) has a mildly spicy and somewhat peppery flavour.

22. choc cosmos
23. dahlia's 01
27. oostindische kers

The cheerfully coloured Dahlias (Asteraceae) are another favorite of us and we have them in red, yellow and pink. Did you know there are about 10 variants of Dahlias growing in the wild in Mexico? The ones we know here are all hybrids and homegrown. The varieties are countless as are the colours.

The seeds of the Nasturtiums, which were a present from Sprinklr, have also already germinated, which is happening very quickly. That will soon be a container full of beautiful yellow, orange and pink'ish-red flowers that you can harvest and eat.

25. wilde bloemen zaaien
26. wilde bloemen zaaienll

The Wildflower mix seeds to attract bees - we've sowed last year - withstood the winter very well. Everything shoots up in the flowerbox and here and there you can even see a small flower appear. Last year we had an exuberantly blooming box full of different plants with a lot of colourful wildflowers. Those were very attractive to bees and bumblebees indeed. We'll have to wait and see if that will happen again, but so far it seems to work :))

Have a nice summer everyone and lots fun on your balcony!