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Paint a sweet picture frame

for a baby
Painting and Recycling
Foto lijstjes sidell

What do you need?
Picture frames (Ikea)
Gamma waterbased paint (hydrangea satin)
colours acryllic paint (whales)
Small size paintroller, furry
paintbrush xxs
matt varnish

Pastel coloured candle holders by Blokker
Foto lijstjes side

These pastel coloured candle holders are white on the outside and pastel coloured on the inside, very trendy. If the candles are lighted the ouside colours pastel as well because the porcelain is very thin. Inspired by the sweet colours of the candle holders we're painting picture frames today. The colors of the small paint tins Kleur ID paint by Gamma are excellent to use!

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Take the interior out of the picture frame so you can't mess it up.

Shake the unopend paint tin firmly to and fro.

Open the paint tin and look for a wooden slat to stir.

Stir until you see the paint change into the colour of the lid.

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Pur some paint into the paint tray so you can equalize the paint on the roller.

Pant 2/3 of the frame and also paint the edges in and outside.

If you don't prime the frame the paint sticks uneven, that's the effect we want.

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Rinse roller and brush out under the tap and leave them to dry.

Paint the outline of a little whale on the edge.

Colour the whales in and give them an eye and a fountain.

Let the fish dry, then finish with matt varnish.

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Now you only have to find a nice picture and you're done!