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Noord (North)

an exceptional picture book
Dutch language, Picture Book, Winter, and Animal Books

Noord (North)
Author: Jesse Goossens
Illustrator: Marieke ten Berge
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published: February 2021
Publisher: Lemniscaat B.V.
EAN number: 9789047712039
Price: € 19.99 (HC)
Age: 6 years old and up

Noord sidepicll

Marieke ten Berge loves nature, that you can clearly see in this picture book which is called Noord (North). In the beautiful animal pictures, for which she made the sketches when she traveled through the Far North. Of which she made etchings and linocuts, back home in her studio, which you can now admire up close and personal in this book.

Noord 01
Noord 02
Noord 03
Noord 04

The stories of the amazing animals that you meet in the illustrations are told by Jesse Goossens, who is also a nature lover. Together they made this beautiful, interesting book. What a pleasure to read it together with the mini-monsters! (Sadly this book is not translated into English)

3 icy twinkling stars for Noord, from the young listeners and the readers!