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Noortje viert carnaval

a sweet picture book for toddlers
Dutch language, Carnival, Winter, Board Book, and Celebrations around the World
Noortje viert carnaval homepage.

Noortje viert carnaval
(Noortje celebrates carnival)

Author/Illustrator: Annemarie van der Heijden
Series: Noortje (8 parts)
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published: February 2018
Publisher: Clavis
EAN number: 9789044832174
Price: € 12.95 (HC)
Age: from 2 years

Noortje viert carnaval sidepic.
For toddlers and preschoolers there are plenty picture books to be found about celebrating carnival! Today we read Noortje celebrates carnival by Annemarie van der heijden to the little monsters. A book about Noortje, a toddler who can choose from the dressing up box what she wears to celebrate carnival, it is difficult to choose! Noortje does not only dress up herself, cat, doll and bear are also dressed fo the feas, they can also walk along in Noortjes parade!
Noortje viert carvaval 01.
Noortje viert carvaval 02.
Noortje viert carvaval 03.

What is nice about this book are the thick pages, which are well resistant to young children's hands. What we like less is that Noortje is also part of a long series of picture books, about everything a toddler experiences. The first names of these type of book are more or less interchangeable and we find that a bit of a shame. Lucky for us, the library has them all.

2 stars for Noortje viert carnaval (Noortje celebrates carnival), from the little listeners and their readers!