Noortje viert carnaval
(Noortje celebrates carnival)
Author/Illustrator: Annemarie van der Heijden
Series: Noortje (8 parts)
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published: February 2018
Publisher: Clavis
EAN number: 9789044832174
Price: € 12.95 (HC)
Age: from 2 years
What is nice about this book are the thick pages, which are well resistant to young children's hands. What we like less is that Noortje is also part of a long series of picture books, about everything a toddler experiences. The first names of these type of book are more or less interchangeable and we find that a bit of a shame. Lucky for us, the library has them all.
2 stars for Noortje viert carnaval (Noortje celebrates carnival), from the little listeners and their readers!