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Normandy chicken with apples

a French stoof
With apples, Autumn, Main Courses, and Chicken & Poultry
Normandy chicken sidepic

Shopping list for 4 people
20g butter / 1 tablespoon of oil
4 chicken fillets
sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 large or 6 small shallots, halved
a sprig rosemary
2 garlic cloves, whole
2 apples, peeled en halved
200 ml chicken stock
200 ml apple cider or apple juice
50 ml double cream

Normandy chicken sidepicll

This perfect Autumnal recipe comes from Normandy but... haven't we made this before? No! We've made Normandy pork tenderloin and Normandy pancakes but not (yet) Normandy Chicken. But these 3 Autumn recipes have something more in common than Normandy: they are all made with apples. Makes sense, because they grow a lot of apples in Normandy and in these recipes they are the star!

Here's how to make Normandy Chicken

Heat the butter and oil on low heat

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Cut the chicken into strips.

Season the chicken strips well.

Sear the chicken all over.

Until the chicken is evenly browned.

Meanwhile clean the sjalots, garlic, apples and rosemary

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Cut the shalotts in four, leave the gralic whole.

Peel and cut the apples in halves.

Strip the leaves from the rosemary.

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Remove the chicken from the pan.

Fry shalotts and garlic until brown.

Add the rosemary to the mix.

Fry the apples till the edges are brown.

Measure out the apple juice and the chicken stock

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Stir the juice into the hot chicken stock.

Pour it into the pan.

Remove the apples from the pan.

Preheat the oven to 180°C/160°C Fan

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Stir in the cream.

Place chicken and apples back in the pan.

Let the chicken cook for 15 minutes.

Fry the potato slices golden brown.

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Normandy chicken 19

Stir fry the asperger broccoli until al dente

Bon appétit!