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Nougat parfait

with hazelnuts and confit cherries
With chocolate, With nuts, French, Desserts, and With whipped Cream
Nougat parfait side

The groceries
190g caster sugar
190 ml cream
4 free-range proteins
40 g of hazelnuts
60 grams bigareux
butter for greasing

Chocolate sauce
65 g chocolate (72% cacao)
65 ml double cream

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An original and very tasty dessert is the nougat parfait. Not difficult therefore very suitable to make with the kids. Moreover, you do the kids a big favor if you let them crush the nuts with a rolling pin ;D But do crush the nuts fine otherwise there will be an expensive bill at the dentist!

How to make Nougat Parfait

Nougat parfait 01
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Put the sugar on low heat on the stove.

Until the sugar is molten and brown.

Roll the nuts through it on waxed paper.

Crush the nuts after they had 1 hour to harden.

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Pour the egg whites in a big bowl.

Whisk them stiff with a mixer.

Keep beating until stiff peaks form.

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Grease a 20 cm long cake tin with butter or cooking spray.

Fold the cream into the egg white.

Make sure the hard sugar is beaten fine.

Stir in the nuts, the hard sugar and the cherries.

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Spoon the mixture into the baking tin.

Place the tin at least 2 hours in the freezer.

This is how the parfait looks then.

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Weigh and measure chocolate and cream.

Put both in a big bowl.

Melt the chocolate au bain marie.

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Nougat parfait promo ll

Tap the parfait out of the tin and cut it in slices.

Drip generously chocolate over the slices. Ce est tres délicieux!