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Obsessive about Octopusses

by Over Davey
Picture Book, Animal Books, and Science
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Obsessive About Octopuses
Writer/Illustrator: Owen Davey
Original language: English
Published: June 2016
Publisher: Flying Eye Books
ISBN13: 9781909263918
Price: € 12.99 (HC)
Age: 9 years and up

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Octopuses are very special animals and British writer/illustrator Owen Davey knows a lot about them, we read it all in his wonderful book Obsessive About Octopuses. We have already discussed more of his books on snazzie because his illustrations are very beautiful and the mini-monsters learn a lot from his books.

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We already knew that there are many different types of octopuses. But that there are so many of them and what they can do, we were surprised by. The books are written so accessible that we enjoy reading them aloud and our little listeners love to listen to them!

3 radiant stars for Obsessive About Octopuses, from our young listeners and their readers!