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Our most adorable biscuits of the year

are Mushroom Biscuits!
Autumn and Biscuits
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Shopping list
150g butter, room temperature
150g caster sugar
1 small free-range organic egg, room temp.
1 teaspoon vanilla extract
250g plain flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
icing sugar, to sprinkle
red, orange, brown and white fondant icing

white sprinkles

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No autumn without mushroom biscuits, the mini monsters would miss it! This year we make the little biscuits different from previous years, our youngest mini monsters can now count. That's nice, doing math with biscuits! The addition and subtraction is already going well, multiplication is still a bit too difficult. We will save it to next year ;))

How to make Mushroom Biscuits


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Mix butter and sugar until creamy.

Mix in the beaten egg and vanilla.

Sieve in flour and baking powder.

Mix until it resembles crumbs.

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Knead the crumbs quickly by hand.

Shape the dough into a ball.

Wrap the dough in cling film.

Allow the dough to rest for 30 minutes in the refrigerator.

Preheat the oven to 170°C and place baking paper on the baking tray

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Knead the dough and roll to 1cm thickness.

Cut out the toadstools.

Place in the fridge for 10 minutes.

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Bake the biscuits in 8 - 10 minutes light brown.

Cut stems and hats out of fondant icing.

Stick on the biscuits with a drop of water.

Cut out dots of icing and stick on.

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Store the Mushroom Biscuits in a biscuit tin, then the stay tasty for up to one week.