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The moon tonight

Our moon's journey around the world
Space, Picture Book, Waldorf Books, Science, and informative and educational
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The moon tonight
Author: Jung-Chang Hoon
Illustrator: Jang Ho
Original language: English
Published: Januari 2023
Publisher: Blue Dot Kids Press
EAN: 9781737603252
Price: €22.99 (HC)
Age: 6 years and up

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Today we read the gorgeous picture book The Moon Tonight by the South Korean astronomer and children's book author Jung Chang Hoon to the monsters. When we saw this picture book at the bookstore, we were immediately attracted to it.

The beautiful cover of the book was actually enough, but when we took a peek inside we immediately knew that we were going to take this book home with us. The careful, clear explanation of a difficult subject for children is what immediately stood out to us.

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We have now read this picture book to the mini monsters several times and they just love it! The illustrations by the South Korean illustrator Jang Ho are so striking and soft, really gorgeous! It comes highly recommended by us, Our Moon!

3+ radiant shining stars for Our Moon!, from the mini-listeners and their out-loud readers!