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Our kitchen garden

is coming along again ...
Waldorf crafts, Kitchen Garden, Spring, Sowing and planting, Earth Day, and Learn while playing
Moestuin sidepic

We sow:
tomatoes (march-april indoors)
red beets
picking lettuce

But ... because it is still a bit too early in the year, we start by sowing herbs.

Earth Day is almost upon us and we have started already again! It is such fun to see your home-grown vegetables emerge in your inner city garden, the snazzie mini-monsters are always eager to help! Moreover, the kitchen garden is educational for little ones, they learn where everything you see on your plate comes from and what nature brings us.

If you watch the video above on the right you see it does not have to be complicated nor does it take up much of your time.We start with sowing herbs in pots. Because herbs are so easy to grow and it is still a bit too cold for sowing vegetables outside. Also you will always have fresh herbs at hand, cut from your own garden.

Moestuin 01
Moestuin 02
Moestuin 03

Voor Puck's pot he choose his own pretty plant, without a hole it needs pot shards.

Spoon the pot almost full with fertilized potting soil, plant seeds 1cm deep.

Spread the seeds in a regular way over the soil, not all on a heaped on.

Moestuin 04
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Moestuin 07

Sprinkling from your hand is easier to do!

Spoon soil on to the rim and place the bag on top.

We repot the cucumber, it goes back inside again, for now.

We get a fun visit while we are working.

Write the names of the herbs on ice cream sticks then stick them into the right pots. Which are the right pots? Check the sachets on top :)

Moestuin 08
Moestuin 09
Moestuin 10

The currant bush already has small berries!

The grape we planted last year grows fast.

The blue berry has lots of flowers.

Moestuin 11
Moestuin 12

We have to wait for raspberries, but the shrub grows very fast.

Puck also found a beautiful Hellebore in the garden.

Now all our herbs need is sunshine and water, not to much but keep the soil just moist.

After the ice saints (after May 15) you can safely sow vegetables in the kitchen garden, unless there's still night frost. If so you better wait a little while, for warmer weather.

See you then!