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Our Monster Cookies

are frightfully delicious!
Halloween and Biscuits
Monster koekjes sidepic

Shopping list
125g plain flour
75g butter (room temperature)
75g fine sugar
½ free range organic egg (room temp.)
1 teaspoon vanilla essence
½ teaspoon baking powder
various colours of icing fondant
icing sugar, to dust

Monster koekjes sidepicll

Today we turn our traditional Halloween cookies into cheerful monster cookies, in bright colors. They are monsters but they are not scary at all, they are just sweet ;)) Our smallest mini-monsters think they are cute, so we're all right!

How to make sweet monster biscuits

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Mix the butter with the sugar creamy.

Then add egg and vanilla.

Beat until well combined.

Weigh flour and baking powder.

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Sift it into the butter mixture, in 3 parts.

Fold the flour quickly into the buttermixture.

Wrap the dough in cling film.

Place the dough at least one hour in the refrigerator

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Roll the dough to 1cm thickness.

Cut out squares.

Place the squares on a baking tray.

Slide the baking tray into the fridge.

Let the cookies rest for one hour in the fridge, then preheat the oven to 170°C

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Bake the biscuits in 8 - 10 minutes golden.

Let the biscuits rest a moment, on the tray.

Allow to cool completely on a wire rack.

Cut out the icing fondant while the biscuits are cooling

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Cut squares out of fondant icing.

Cut out eyes, using a vanilla pod tube.

Cut out various mouths and teeth.

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Monster koekjes home

Stick it on the biscuits using some water.

Now we brew a nice cup of tea!

Have lots of fun on Halloween!