Oorlog en Vriendschap (War and Friendship)
Author: Dolf Verroen
Illustrator: Charlotte dematons
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English: not
Published: februari 2020 (reprint)
Publisher: Leopold
EAN: 9789025879020
Price: € 9.95 (HC)
Age: 10 years and up
We read Oorlog and vriendschap (War and friendship) by Dolf Verroen. Today we celebrate our freedom, 76 years after World War ll. It is good to think about the many children that still live in countries where there is war, just like in our country, long ago.
Dolf Verroen was a child back then but he is now a 91-year-old. and still writes beautiful children's books, wins prizes and visits schools. We hope he can continue to do so for a long time!
The atmosferic, nostalgic grey/white drawings of Charlotte Dematons are detailed and fit beautifully into the story. The pictures visualize what it was like for Dutch children in wartime.
3 radiant shining stars for Oorlog en Vriendschap (War and Friendship), from the little readers!