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Geef mij maar een boek
Dutch language, Reading Book, History, informative and educational, and War and Peace

You probably already know, but if not: 2016 has been labeled The Year of the Book. That's great, but fto us every year is the year of the book already, you might think.

The great thing is that the joint bookshops have decided to set up a foundation in this Year of the Book. This foundation every year makes a classic children's book available for a very small price. So reading is promoted among children and the small price makes the books affordable for everyone.

Tomorrow, on February 20, the action will kick off!

Geef mij maar een boek 2016

Oorlogswinter by Dutch politician/author Jan Terlouw has been chosen as the first book of this nice campaign. It is a beautiful book, very exciting and adventurous, a real Dutch classic. It is no coincidence that this book received a Gouden Griffel!

3 warm shining stars for the Geef mij maar een boek (Give me a book) campaign and Oorlogswinter!