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Knit cute clothes

for your snow girl or snow guy
Sewing, Wool, and Knitting
Ear muffs home

What materials do you need?
different colours of wool (acryllic) for ndl. 2 and 3
knitting needles 2 and 3
an embroidery needle
2 pompoms
1 pipe cleaner

optional a key ring

Beanie side

Today we knit a girlfriend and friend for our snowman. We'll start with the friend's beanie, that's the most work :) then the red scarf and finally the snowgirl!

Here's how you do it

Beanie 01
Beanie 02
Beanie 03
Beanie 04

Cast 24 stitches on on needles number 2.

Knit 1 row knit stitch, 1 row purl stitch.

Tie off if you're at 4 cm length.

Fold in half and close the side of the hat.

Beanie 04
Beanie 05
Beanie 06

On the top side you close 1/3 right side, 1/3 left, leave 1/3 in the middle open.

Stitch the 1/3 open middle from bottom to top to and pull the thread.

Tie off with 3 little stitches over each other, lace the thread in the knitting and cut off.

How to knit the scarf

Beanie 07
Beanie 08
Beanie 09
Beanie 10

Cast on 30 stitches on needle 3.

Knit 3 ndls, 1 knit stitch/1 purl.

Cast off.

Lace the treads in and cut off.

Now for the snowgirls ear muffs and collar.

Ear muffs 01
Ear muffs 02
Ear muffs 03
Ear muffs 04

Cast on 20 stitches on needle 3 in a colour of your choice.

Knit 3 ndl. knit stitch, tie off. Lace the thread back in, cut off.

Close on the short side of the scarf. Lace the thread back in.

Sew or glue the pompoms on the cut off chenille stick.

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Beanie promo