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orange fudge

With chocolate, King's Day, and Candy
Oranje fudge sidepic

Shopping list
180g Tony's white chocolate
180 ml condensed milk
2 teaspoons vanilla extract
orange food colouring
golden sparkles
edible glitter, gold

Oranje fudge sidepicll
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Oranje fudge 01
Oranje fudge 02
Oranje fudge 03
Oranje fudge 04

Place a strip of baking paper in a baking tin.

Chop the white chocolate finely.

Put it in a fireproof bowl, together with the milk.

Let the chocolate melt in a bain marie.

Oranje fudge 05
Oranje fudge 06
Oranje fudge 07

Stir vanilla and colouring into the mixture.

Pour the fudge mixture into the baking tin.

Scatter sprinkles and crowns over the fudge.

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Oranje fudge 09
Oranje fudge 10

Place the fudge overnight in the fridge.

Cut the fudge into neat cubes.

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Happy King's day!