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About lemons

a good tip
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What do you need?
organic lemons
a citrus press
a mold
a freezer container
a large needle

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Often for a recipe you need one or a few tablespoons of lemon juice and the rest of the lemon then shrivels up in the vegetable drawer. We don't like that at snazzie. So if you put the lemon juice by tablespoon in a freezer container for ice cubes, you always have a tablespoon of juice at hand.

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Scrub the lemons really clean.

Cut the lemon(s) in half and squeeze out.

Pour the lemon juice into an ice cube tray.

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Place the tray filled with juice in the freezer.

Store the frozen lemons in a freezer container.

Do you need only a few drops or a teaspoon of lemon juice?

For drops

  • Pierce a lemon with a large needle and squeeze, now you can still keep the lemon fresh

For a teaspoon

  • Chop 1/3 of a lemon juice cube with a sharp knife, put the remaining 2/3 back in the freezer

This way you always have the right amount of lemon juice at hand ;))