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Professional Crocodile

a very special book without words
Picture Book, Book without words, Animal Books, and Adventurous
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Professional Crocodile
Author: Giovanna Zoboli
Illustrator: Mariachiara di Giorgio
Original Language: Italian
Translated into English: ?
Published: August 2017
Publisher: ?
ISBN13: 978-1452165066
Price: € 14.99 (HC)
Age: 5 years and up

Overdag is hij een krokodil sidepicll
Today we 'read' a very special picture book, a book without words, with the little monsters. This brilliant book was created by the Italian writer Giovanna Zobolitogether with illustrator Mariachiara Di Giorgio. We look around in Crocodile's home and see what his day looks like. Crocodile is a neat gentleman with a job. But at the end of his day he will really surprise us!
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What an original and funny book, with terrific illustrations. Do read it! You may not find this book in the bookstore anymore but certainly in the library! Have fun with it!

3+ bright shining stars for Professional Crocodile, from the 'listeners' and their 'readers'!