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Making paper mache

how do you actually do that?
Technique and Paper Maché
Making paper mache home

What you need to make paper mache
old news papers
wall papering glue
wooden spoon

or make your own glue with
2 parts flour
1 part water
0.5 part salt

Making paper mache sidell

If you tear paper into strips (for example newspapers or tissue paper) and soak it in wallpapering glue you have paper mache. You can also make paper mache paste. Place shreds of paper in wallpapering glue overnight. The next day you can knead a paste from the slosh.

How to make paper mache

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Make the glue according to directions on the package.

Tear newspaper strips or shreds and soak them in the glue.

Stir the paper thoroughly into the glue, let it soak overnight.

Use a shape, it may be anything like cardboard or a balloon.

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Sculpt your object using the pulp or the strips to cover your shape overlapping.

Let the object dry really well, then colour it with gouache or acrylic paint.

This is how an object can turn out, like this paper mache volcano.

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The little ones can stick paper mache on balloons. They can make a globe together with Mum or Dad and put a light in. Or maybe make these little Halloween lights.

Next week we make a paper mache train tunnel for our youngest mini-monster ;)