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Making paper mache

is fun!
Papier mache side

This is what you need
old newspapers
wallpaper glue
wooden spoon

Or make your own glue
2 parts flour
1 part water
0.5 part salt

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With paper mache you can craft different fun things like a candle holder, a serving dish or an animal for instance but what to think of a cool vulcano? Super fun, yes?

But the first step is making paper mache and here is how to do it!

Papier mache 01
Papier mache 02
Papier mache 03

Make glue as explained on the packet.

Add shredded newspapers.

Stir well, until combined.

Put the bucket aside overnight so the glue can blend really well with the paper.

Papier mache 04
Papier mache 05

The next day the paper mache is ready, you can start!


Tomorrow we show you how a vulcano is build, look out for a big cardboard box already.