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Spicy Paprika Sticks

to go with gazpacho
Spanish, Snacks, Father's Day, and Tapas
Paprika stengels sidepic

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1 roll puff pastry
1 free range organic egg yolk, lightly beaten
pimento (smoked paprika powder, hot)
coarse sea salt

Paprika stokjes sidepicll

With minimal effort you make these delicious paprika sticks to serve with yesterdays gazpacho, but the spicy sticks are also a tasty snack with a drink. The mini-monsters really like them with mild paprika or grated cheese, so that's what we do, then they can also join in on Father's Day.

How to make spicy paprika sticks

Start with preheating the oven to 200°C

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Paprika stengels 02
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Roll out the puff pastry and cut off what you need.

Cut the dough into even strips using a thin slat.

Twist the strips in opposite direction and brush with egg yolk.

Sieve pimento on the sticks then sprinkle with sea salt.

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Paprika stengels 06

Bake the sticks crispy in 10-15 minutes then allow to cool on a wire rack.

Serve the paprika sticks warm or cold with a drink.

Or with the gazpacho you made yesterday, Happy Father's Day!!