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Paste di Mandorla

a delicious Italian almond biscuit!
Italian and Biscuits
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2 free-range organic egg whites (L)
250g ground almonds / almond flour
190gg caster sugar
½  a lemon, zest only
½ teaspoon almond extract
a pinch sea salt
45g icing sugar

Paste di mandorla sidepicll

We bake delicious Italian cookies, which are also super easy to make: Paste di Mandorla. The cookies are firm on the outside but soft and chewy on the inside. Very delicious! Buy almond flour if you are pressed for time, but if you have enough time, grind the almonds yourself. Your cookies will be even tastier!

How to make Paste di Mandorla

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Place two free range egg whites into a large bowl.

Beat the egg whites until fluffy but not until stiff.

Add flour, sugar, salt, and almond extract.

Also add the lemon zest to the mixture in the bowl

Stir the mixture vigorously together for a moment

Preheat the oven to 160°C / 180°C Fan and place waxed paper on the baking tray

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Then knead the dough by hand.

Roll the dough into balls of 22g each.

Sift the icing sugar into a soup plate.

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Roll the balls through the icing sugar.

Place the cookies on the tray and flatten them.

Bak the cookies for +/- 15 minutes.

Bake them not much longer or the cookies will become hard and dry inside

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Allow the cookies to cool on the tray first and then on a wire rack.

Delicious with some tea but also with a cup of Italian espresso
