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Pasticcini con panna genovesi e ciliegie

Mini Cherry Tartlets with whipped cream
With chocolate, Summer, Italian, Pastry, With whipped Cream, and With fresh fruit
Pasticcini con panna e ciliegie sidepic

Shopping list
250g plain flour
50g icing sugar
125g cold butter, cubed
½ free range organic egg yolk
65 ml of ice cold water
teaspoons cherry jam, to taste
125 ml double cream
1 tablespoon fine sugar
125 ml crème pâtissière
125g cherries

Pasticcini con panna e ciliegie sidepicll

We make Creme Suisse for the filling of the Italian cherry pastries. Maybe not so Italian although you are at the top of the Italian boot against the border with Switzerland, so who knows? You can also replace the whipped cream with mascarpone, but our cream had to go before the sell by date is gone ;)

How to make Pasticcini con Panna e Ciliegie

Pasticcini con panna e ciliegie 01
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Defrost or make crème pâtissière.

Wash and drain the cherries.

Put cream and sugar into the mixer.

Beat the cream until stiff.

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Mix the crème pâtissière with the cream.

Wisk until it is lump free.

Spoon the creme Suisse into a piping bag.

Get the left over Pasticcini cups from last weekend

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Get the leftover pasticcini cups.

Put a teaspoon of jam into the cups.

Fill up the cups with creme Suisse.

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Pasticcini con panna e ciliegie home

Put a cherry on top of each tartlet.

Tomorrow we make more Pasticcini alla Fruitta!
