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pasticcini con panna e fragole

mini-pastry with strawberries & cream
With chocolate, Summer, Italian, Pastry, With whipped Cream, and With fresh fruit
Pasticcini con panne e fragole sidepic

Shopping list
500g plain flour
100g icing sugar
250g cold butter cubes
1 free-range organic egg yolk
a splash of ice cold water
250 ml double cream
2 tablespoons fine sugar
250g fresh strawberries
80g dark chocolate

Pasticcini con panne e fragole sidepicll

Pasticinni are all kinds of small - usually sweet - treats to go with an afternoon coffee or for dessert. This whole month we bake Italian pasticcini, because it is summer so we can enjoy the treats outside. We bake a large amount of pasticcini cups and freeze half of them empty. Then they will keep fresh for a very long time. Because the mini monsters also like sweets a lot, we make the pastries really 'mini '. Also much better for us ;))

How to make strawberry and whipped cream pasticcini

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Sifte the flour into a big bowl.

Sift in the icing sugar too.

Add the butter cubes to the bowl too.

Rub the butter cubes by hand firmly into the flour / sugar mixture

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Rub until the butter is incorperated.

Whisk the egg yolk until loose.

Knead it into the flour mixture.

Until you have large crumbs.

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Trickle in the water and knead it in.

Until you have a smooth, supple dough.

Wrap the dough in cling film then refrigerate it.

Allow the dough to rest in the fridge for at least 30 minutes then preheat the oven to 200°C / Fan 180°C

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Knead and roll the dough.

Cut out circles.

Press gently into the mold.

Prick holes in the bottom.

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Cool the cases for 15 minutes.

Bake the pasticcini in 15-20 minutes golden.

Alow the cases to cool in the mold.

Make the filling while the cases cool

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Add the sugar to the cream.

Beat the cream until stiff.

Wash and drain the strawberries.

Grate the chocolate.

Halve some small strawberries then chop the rest

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Melt the remaining chocolate au bain marie.

Brush the pastry cases with the melted chocolate.

Allow the chocolate to set in the fridge.

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Pasticcini con panna e fragole home

Fill the cases with chopped strawberry and pipe whipped cream on top.

Sprinkle the pasticcini with chocolate and top with half a strawberry.

We fill half with strawberries & whipped cream and tomorrow we fill the other half with crème pâtissierè & mixed fruit :))