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Traditional Dutch Poffertjes

a basic recipe
Dutch, Gran's recipes, Pan Cakes, and Treat
Poffertjes sidepic

Shopping list
100g plain flour
100g buckwheat flour
50g melted butter
1 free range organic egg
5g dried yeast
400 ml lukewarm milk
½  teaspoon salt
1 tablespoon treacle

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Later this month, during Christmas Break, with most festivities behind us we love to spend the day at home. We have a pajama morning and we play with our Christmas presents. For the extra vacation feeling we bake Granny's poffertjes. Always a good idea, say the mini-monsters;))

How to make real Dutch Poffertjes
Put the butter on low heat, to melt
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Sieve the flour into the mixing bowl.

Sieve the buckwheat flour in too.

Make a well in the middle.

Get the melted butter.

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Pour in the well, sprinkle the yeast on the flour.

Add the egg too.

Pour in half the milk.

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Whisk until all is well combined.

Add the other half of the milk.

And the treacle too.

And the salt as well.

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Beat all until combined again.

Place a warm, hot towel on top.

Allow the batter to rise for 45 minutes.

How to bake Poffertjes

Allow the cast iron pan to become very hot but bake on medium heat

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Grease the pan well.

Spoon the batter into the holes.

Turn the poffertjes when they set on top

Start with turning where you started with pouring and work fast.

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Poffertjes home

Serve the Poffertjes with a knob of butter then sieve icing sugar on top.