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Poppy's Plekje (Poppy's Place)

the life of a Poppy
Biology, Dutch language, Waldorf Books, Nature, Science, and Mother's Day
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Poppy's Own Spot
Author/Illustrator: Guido van Genechten
Original language: Dutch
Translated into English by: Clavis Publishers
Published: March 2022
Publishers: Clavis Publishers
EAN: 9781605377353
Price:  € 15.99 (HC)
Age: 4 years and up

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A little seed is carried by the wind and it lands in a meadow. It grows and grows but does not see where it is because it is still in the bud. This is how the story of Poppy's Plekje (Poppy's Place) begins, beautifully written by the Belgian children's author Guido van Genechten. When Poppy finally sees where she is, everything becomes clear and we get the message that everything on earth needs each other to make the world flourish. How beautiful is that?

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These sweet, colourful drawings are a pleasure to look at. Stunning enough to frame and hang on your wall so you can look at them every day because they cheer you up no end! This book also makes a great Mother's day gift, you will read it often with your mini-monster!

Poppy's Plekje (Poppy's Place) we give with very much pleasure 3 sparkling colourful stars, from our mini- and maxi-monsters together!