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Crayfish in broth
Starter and With Fish
Ecrevisses sidepic

Shopping list
1 liter water
1 carrot, 1 onion
some sprigs of thyme and parsley
2 bay leafs
10 peppercorns, sea salt
200 cl white wine
sea salt & freshly ground pepper
200g crayfish
25g butter
2 teaspoons lemon juice

Ecrevisses sidepicll

Écrevisses (crayfish in broth) is a typical French starter or lunch dish. Fragrant and light. Delicious with some French bread and a glass of dry white wine.

How to make Écrevisses
First we make a court broth with the water en 100 cl white wine, the vegetables, the herbs tied in a bunch, peppercorns & seasalt and the bay leaf.

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Wash the vegetables.

Cut them in pieces

Pour 1 liter water in a pan.

Add the vegetables etc.

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Bring the broth to the boil and let it simmer for +/- 30 minutes.

Strain the broth through a sieve and let it cool.

Pour the broth and 100 cl wine in a sauce pan, add the bay leaf.

Now we complete the dish with the crayfish.

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Let the broth boil down to half the amount, add crayfish, salt&pepper.

Boil the crayfish gently for half a minute and juice half a lemon.

Weigh the right amount of butter and let it gently melt.

Place the crayfish on a soup plate and ladle some broth over the fish.

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Ecrevisses home

Sprinkle lemon juice and melted butter over the crayfish.

Serve the crayfish with a fresh white wine and French bread.

Bon appétit!