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Nutella Pockets

with Banana
With chocolate, Pastry, With fresh fruit, Jewish, and Hanukkah
Nutella pockets sidepic

Shopping list
1 roll of puff pastry
chocolate hazelnut spread (Nutella)
a banana, cut into rounds, to resemble coins
1 free-range organic egg, beaten
icing sugar

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We bake for Hanukkah a tasty sweet pocket of fresh puff pastry, filled with banana coins and chocolate. Quickly ready and a great success with the mini- monsters. Delicious with a cup of tea!

Here's how you make them

Preheat the oven to 200°C and place baking paper on the baking tray

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Cut the puff pastry into squares.

Slice the banana.

Beat the egg.

Spoon Nutella on the dough.

Spoon a full teaspoon on each square

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Press 2 banana slices on top.

Brush beaten egg on the egdes

Stick the edges together.

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Press the edge closed using a fork.

Brush egg on the dough.

Bake for 15 to 20 minutes.

Until a nice golden brown.

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Allow the pockets to cool on a wire rack.

Dust the Nutella pockets with icing sugar.

Delicious with milk, coffee or a cup of tea!