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Beautiful Toadstools

these lanterns are homemade
Waldorf crafts, Cutting & Pasting, Autumn, Recycling, and Lantern
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What do you need?
empty glass jars
print the pattern or make a drawing
red kite paper
white kite paper
a hole puncher
Modpodge and a brush
a piece of string
tealights or candles or
Led lights

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Because this month Autumn starts we make pretty Toadstool lanterns. Not to take outside, but to put in the living room and light on Martinmas, when it gets dark outside. These lanterns are quickly made if you have some nice empty jars to recycle. You can download our mushrooms or draw your own beautiful mushrooms and then cut them out.

How to make mushroom lanterns

Download and print the toadstools pattern

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Cut out the patterns.

Trace the hats and stems.

Cut out the hats and stems.

Punch holes in the hats.

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Brush Modpodge on the jar.

Presh the toadstools on the Modpodge.

Allow the Modpodge to dry briefly.

Brush another layer of Modpodge over the entire pot(s) and let it dry completely

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Tie a piece of string around the jars, then you can also hang them.

Place candles or LED-lights in the jar(s).

When it gets dark we light the candles, Happy Autumn!