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Plum and almond tartlets

taste like Autumn
British, Autumn, Pastry, With nuts, and With fresh fruit
Plum tartlets side

Shopping list

For the dough

375g plain flour + extra for dusting
15g caster sugar
225 unsalted butter, cubes
1 free range egg
2 tablespoons cold water

For the frangipane
200g unsalted butter
200g caster sugar
2 free range eggs
200g ground almonds

6-8 plums, cut in 4 or 8

The plum tartlets by Angela Hartnett taste so good becuse of the frangipane filling in combination with the sweet, juicy plums. A real Autumn treat!

Make a big pie with a 25-26cm baking tin or make 6-8 tartlets.

How to make Angela's plum tartlets

Make the dough

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Sieve flour and sugar together into a big bowl.

Rub in the butter cubes with your fingertips.

When done the dough should look crumbly.

Quickly beat the egg using a whisk.

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Knead the beaten egg into the dough crumbs.

Do not overwork the dough, knead just until it is smooth.

Wrap the dough in cling film, place it minimal 30 minutes in the fridge.

Meanwhile make frangipane

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In a big bowl mix butter and sugar creamy.

Beat the eggs one by one into the butter mixture.

Add the almond flour to the mixture.

Knead the frangipane smooth by hand.

Cover the frangipane with cling film, put it aside for now. Preheat the oven to 180 ° C.

Bake the tartlets

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Grease the tartlet molds.

Roll the dough thinly.

Cut out circles.

Place them in the molds.

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Press the circles into the mold.

Fill the tartlets 2/3 with frangipane.

Arrange the plums on top.

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Plum tartlets home

Bake the tartlets in app. 20 min. golden.
