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French sandwiches

Fresh Dutch radish is back in season!
Spring, Lunch, Sandwich, French, and With fresh vegetables
Franse sandwich radijs sidepic

Shopping list
1 baguette
a bunch of radish
50g unsalted butter
sea salt to taste
freshly ground black pepper to taste
flaky sea salt

Franse sandwich radijs sidepicll

The Dutch radish is back in season this month, delicious! The mini-monsters make a face, radish they do not like at all. But their mum's do indeed so ... we make French Radish Sandwiches.

How to make a French Radish Sandwich

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Cut the baguette in half, then in quarters.

Clean the radishes.

Grate the radishes coarsely.

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Place the grated radish on kitchen paper.

Press out all the water you can from the grated radish.

Stir radish, salt & pepper into the butter until combined.

Toast the baguette until golden brown.

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Franse sandwich radijs home

Spread generously radish butter on the baguette sandwiches.

Sprinkle some flaky sea salt on top then serve immediately.

Happy that the lovely radishes are back in season!