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Recycle crayons

a recycle craft for Earth Day
Spring, Earth Day, Drawing & Colouring, Recycling, and Celebrations around the World
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What do you need?
a knife or grater
a silicone baking mold
an oven
small clear bags

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You can make beautiful new crayons from your old, broken ones with little effort. Even the older mini monsters - who actually never use wax crayons anymore - want to colour with these beautiful crayons. Because tomorrow is Earth Day, we start today, then they will be definitely ready tomorrow!

How to recycle old wax crayons

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Preheat the oven to 125°C

Chop or grate the crayons.

Put in some white or silver.

Fill up with green and blue.

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Put the mold into the oven.

Melt the crayons in 15 minutes.

Allow to cool a couple of hours.

You can put the cooled mould in the refrigerator, to make the crayons set faster

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Dag vd aarde home

Press the wax crayons out of the mould.

If you pack the crayons in a bag you can dole them out :))

Happy Earth Day and have fun with the crayons!